This monthly report is derived from an in-depth analysis of all key events that are happening around personal care today. You can catch up on the latest, must-know breakthroughs, major acquisitions & investments, and other events in the personal care landscape, covering everything from the growing focus on sustainability to KUNDAL’s launch of the K-BEAUTY HALAL HAIR CARE LINE.
How is technology improving personal care and well-being? Explore our data-driven research on the top personal care industry trends based on the analysis of 3600+ companies. These trends span anti-ageing, AI-powered self care, omnichannel commerce, sustainable packaging & more!
Curious about companies that advance sustainability? Explore our analysis of 368 global startups & scaleups and learn how they meet their environmental responsibility.
Curious about how technology advances sustainability? Explore our analysis of 646 global startups & scaleups and learn more about their plant-based household items!