
New Digital Twin Companies
Gain data-driven insights on digital twin, an industry-leading technology being developed by 6K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from over 3K+ new digital twin companies, advancing the industry with virtual modeling, product visualization, IoT-enabled simulations, and more.
New Advanced Recycling Companies

Gain data-driven insights on advanced recycling, an industry consisting of 140K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 11.4K+ new advanced recycling companies, advancing the industry with lithium-ion battery recycling, waste-to-energy, molecular recycling, and more.

Top Startups | 2024

Are you interested in startups that will change industries globally? Discover 20 hand-picked Top Startups to Watch in 2024 in this report advancing various industries with solar panel trackers, sustainable space exploration solutions, EV retrofitting kits, AI-powered protein engineering, and much more.

New Obesity Management Solutions

Gain data-driven insights on obesity management, an industry consisting of 1K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 200+ new obesity management solutions, advancing the industry with wearable weight management trackers, telemedicine platform, precision nutrition tools, and more.

New Medical Robotics Companies

Gain data-driven insights on medical robotics, an industry consisting of 400+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 300+ new medical robotics companies, advancing the industry with autonomous surgical robots, endoscopy support robotics, rehabilitation robotic systems, and more.

New Sustainable Agriculture Solutions

Gain data-driven insights on sustainable agriculture, an industry consisting of 3K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 2K+ new sustainable agriculture solutions, advancing the industry with renewables-powered farming, pest control UAVs, genetically modified crops, and more.


Gain data-driven insights on air pollution control, an industry consisting of 3K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 400+ new air pollution control companies, advancing the industry by reducing air pollution exposure, air pollution monitoring, removing airborne particles, and more.

New Ceramics Companies

Discover valuable insights on ceramics, a global industry with over 22.5K organizations. We have chosen 10 exceptional pioneers from over 4K new ceramics companies. They are pushing the boundaries of the industry with ceramic milling cutters, high stress circuits, ceramic matrix composites, and other innovations.

New Companies to Watch

Gain data-driven insights on 4.7+ million startups, scaleups, and emerging companies worldwide as well as deep dive into the 20 new companies to watch in 2024. They are advancing industries with offshore energy storage, novel additive manufacturing, IoT-driven asset tracking, predictive analytics, and much more.

New Urban Planning Companies

Gain data-driven insights on urban planning, an industry consisting of 16K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 1.1K+ new urban planning companies, advancing the industry with robotics, data-driven urban spaces, smart mobility, and more.

New Freight Companies

Gain data-driven insights on freight, an industry encompassing 105K+ organizations worldwide. We have highlighted 10 standout innovators from 5.7K+ new freight companies, streamlining supply chain operations with autonomous cargo vehicles, tracking systems, smart containers, advanced analytics & more.

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