Which innovations are actively shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry in 2025? Our in-depth research, drawn from a study of 4600+ global startups and scaleups, uncovers some of the major pharma industry trends including clinical trials, biopharma, drug discovery, precision medicine, and more.
How will emerging trends in synthetic biology revolutionise materials, biotech & much more? In this data-driven research on 700+ synthetic biology startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions spanning epigenetics, synthetic vaccines, novel sequencing, biocomputing & more!
How will advances in medical treatments affect the healthcare industry and patient outcomes? In this data-driven industry research on 3468 medical treatments startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions enabling advanced gene therapy, biohacking, minimally invasive surgery, nanotherapeutics & much more.
How can we prevent another pandemic? In this data-driven research on 1387 infection control startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions such as molecular diagnostics, outbreak prevention & management, advanced sterilization, and much more!
Curious about new technological advancements in the pharma industry? Explore our analysis of 87 global startups & scaleups and learn how their exosome-based solutions impact your business!
Curious about new technological advancements in the pharma industry? Explore our analysis of 202 global startups & scaleups developing ophthalmic drugs & learn how their solutions impact your business!
Curious about new technological advancements? Explore our analysis of 271 global startups & scaleups developing respiratory drugs & learn how these solutions impact your business!
Curious about new technological advancements in the pharma industry? Explore our analysis of 295 global startups & scaleups developing cardiovascular drugs & learn how their solutions impact your business!
We analyzed 73 hematological drug startups impacting the pharma sector. Disc Medicine, GammaDelta Therapeutics, Nemysis, Mustang Bio & Rocket Pharmaceuticals develop 5 top solutions you should watch out for. Learn more in our Global Startup Heat Map!