10 New Risk Management Solutions Enabling Safer Business Operations

Gain data-driven insights on risk management, a field comprising 92.8K+ organizations globally. We have highlighted 10 new risk management solutions from 12.3K + emerging companies, advancing the field with advanced analytics, predictive modeling, real-time monitoring systems, robotic process automation, cybersecurity, and more.

This article provides an analytical examination of 10 new risk management solutions that are enhancing decision-making processes. These solutions leverage advanced analytics and AI to predict and mitigate potential threats. They incorporate blockchain technology to secure data and transactions, ensuring integrity and transparency in operations. Further, the cybersecurity measures protect against evolving digital threats, safeguarding sensitive information.

Additionally, the companies develop risk assessment software, providing comprehensive tools for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. Each contributes significantly to their fields, offering specialized applications in finance, healthcare, and technology sectors. Their work exemplifies the dynamic nature of risk management, driven by technological advancements and the need for sophisticated defense mechanisms.

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Key Takeaways

Drawing insights from the Big Data & AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that provides data on over 4.7+ million emerging companies globally, we explore the evolving landscape of the risk management industry. This sector is marked by key trends and a substantial workforce, shaping its future. Here are some key insights at a glance:

  • Current Risk Management Trends: Pivotal trends in the field of risk management include advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, and robotic process automation (RPA).
  • Risk Management Industry Statistics: The global risk management field consists of 92.8K+ companies and has a 10.1 million workforce. It is experiencing a slight increase of 0.32% in annual growth rate and has seen the emergence of 12.3K+ new risk management solutions in the past five years.
  • 10 Top Risk Management Solutions to Watch:
      1. RISKGRID – Cloud-based Risk Mapping Engine
      2. Essert – Cyber Risk Assurance Platform
      3. Arkhivist – Smart Contract Risk Monitoring
      4. Enveedo – Cybersecurity Strategy Execution
      5. PredictRAM – Portfolio Risk Assessment
      6. RelyComply – Intelligent Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
      7. GreenFi – AI-powered ESG Due Diligence
      8. QuartzX – Real-time Automated Alerting
      9. Calvin Risk – AI Risk Management
      10. Dealio – Cloud-based Risk Management

Meet 10 Out of 12.3K+ New Risk Management Solutions

In this section, we highlight 10 new risk management solutions specializing in cyber risk assurance, risk monitoring, ESG risk assessments, automated alerting, and more. These organizations employ technologies like AI to secure data integrity, implement continuous risk surveillance, evaluate environmental, social, and governance risks, and ensure timely threat notifications. By pioneering algorithms and data analytics tools, they significantly improve risk identification accuracy, operational resilience, and compliance efficiency.

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. It gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.


  • Founding Year: 2023
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: UK
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: RISKGRID offers a cloud-based risk mapping engine for evaluating risk analysis results. Developed with practicality in mind, it aids adherence to the ISO 31000 standard by guiding users through its five phases: scope, context and criteria, assessment, treatment, and monitoring. Risk managers use this engine to define custom criteria and mappings for tailored risk identification and evaluation. RISKGRID facilitates effective risk assessment and treatment for businesses, supporting decision-making processes.

2. Essert

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Canada
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Essert conducts risk profile reviews through its cyber risk assurance platform. This solution offers risk monitoring, customizable impact assessment, and compliance tracking. Further, it utilizes comprehensive threat models to identify and assess emerging threats. The platform provides precise asset modeling and control mapping for safeguarding critical assets. Customized impact assessments and detailed reports enhance stakeholder communication and decision-making. Essert enables organizations to proactively manage cyber risks by continuously monitoring their risk landscape and ensuring alignment with evolving threats.

3. Arkhivist

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Arkhivist leverages advanced analytics for real-time detection of smart contract vulnerabilities, incorporating analysis of transactional data and contract behavior. It employs network analysis to map smart contract interactions, providing a granular view of interdependencies. The platform features a dynamic risk scoring mechanism, informed by a comprehensive events table, to assess and adjust to evolving security threats. Advanced notification systems, coupled with API capabilities, empower users with timely insights for strategic interventions, thus providing an additional layer of financial protection.

4. Enveedo

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Enveedo develops an integrated strategy execution platform that enhances cybersecurity program development and management. The company employs a risk assessment algorithm, leveraging a dynamic heatmap to pinpoint and prioritize cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Moreover, it facilitates robust API integrations, enabling connectivity with other key systems to broaden the effectiveness of the cybersecurity framework. This solution enables businesses to allocate their cybersecurity resources more effectively, ensuring a proactive defense mechanism against potential cyber threats.

5. PredictRAM

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: India
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: PredictRAM specializes in AI-driven risk management tools for financial advisors, integrating alternative data with traditional research for portfolio risk assessment. This solution employs advanced AI models to analyze individual and portfolio risks, alongside market event impacts, delivering comprehensive insights. The company provides accurate and affordable risk evaluations. Furthermore, it facilitates portfolio analysis, risk assessment, and the creation of customized ETFs, enhancing advisors’ ability to navigate volatility.


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6. RelyComply

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: South Africa
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: RelyComply offers an intelligent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance solution designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of financial transaction monitoring. This platform leverages advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent money laundering activities. By automating the detection of suspicious transactions, it provides financial institutions with the tools necessary to comply with regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with financial crimes.

7. GreenFi

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Singapore
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: GreenFi develops an AI-driven ESG due diligence software to enhance risk identification and support real-time sustainability monitoring. Its system evaluates ESG metrics across business operations, eliminating the need for disparate data sources. Utilizing deep learning and proprietary AI models, the software facilitates automated decision-making recommendations. GreenFi’s platform serves as a pivotal tool for banks and brands navigating the complexities of ESG data for informed decision-making.

8. QuartzX

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: France
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: QuartzX provides a real-time automated alerting platform for fraud and risk management. This solution empowers businesses to create automated alert rules and remediation plans, allowing them to concentrate on high-value tasks. This platform specializes in automated fraud detection and compliance enforcement, utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning for real-time risk monitoring. Key features include customizable alert workflows, stringent data security protocols, and rapid deployment capabilities, catering to banking, healthcare, and public sectors. The company allows these institutions to minimize manual audit processes and adapt to regulatory changes.

9. Calvin Risk

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Switzerland
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Calvin Risk offers a platform designed for the governance, risk management, and compliance of AI systems. This solution provides comprehensive insight into the development and deployment of AI algorithms, analyzing both qualitative and quantitative risk factors. Through adaptive assessment, companies gain an understanding of their AI portfolio’s technical, ethical, and regulatory risks. Calvin Risk empowers organizations to leverage AI responsibly and securely, ultimately maximizing the return on investment for AI projects.

10. Dealio

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Cyprus
  • Signal Strength: Strong
  • What they do: Dealio provides a cloud-based risk management platform designed for financial institutions such as online trading brokers, investment funds, and banks. It prioritizes data security with encryption and delivers real-time risk identification through its rule engine and alerts. Dealio integrates with existing platforms, streamlining data analysis and risk management workflows. The company enables financial institutions to proactively manage risk and make informed decisions.

Quick Tip to Find New Risk Management Solutions

Utilizing a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for identifying new risk management solutions provides significant benefits compared to traditional scouting methods:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: The Discovery Platform offers advanced tools that streamline the scouting process. It replaces your hours of conventional desk research, saving time and resources in identifying risk management innovations.
  • Access to Real-time Insights: Gain a competitive edge with up-to-date information on the latest trends in the risk management industry. The platform keeps you informed with near real-time updates on emerging risk management solutions and news, enabling you to make swift and informed decisions.
  • Tailored Exploration: Customize your search to focus on specific niches within the risk management sector, such as risk assessment software, risk quantification, or predictive analytics. The platform’s diverse filtering options allow you to target your scouting efforts precisely, ensuring that you find the most relevant and groundbreaking companies in the field.

Explore All New Risk Management Solutions!

This overview highlights just a few risk management solutions from all 12.3K+ new companies currently covered by the Discovery Platform. To explore them all, book a personalized demo or download one of our free Industry Innovation Reports for a quick overview.

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