10 New Healthcare Companies: Pioneering Innovations in Healthtech

Uncover the latest breakthroughs and key players in the healthcare industry. Our feature on new healthcare companies reveals emerging technologies and game-changers you should know.

As healthcare continues to evolve with technological advancements and changing patient needs, a new generation of healthcare companies is emerging. These innovators are not just adapting to changes in the medical field — they are actively leading the charge. By pioneering in areas like telemedicine, personalized treatment, and AI in diagnostics, these companies are becoming crucial allies in shaping a more efficient and patient-centered healthcare system. This article offers in-depth insights on:




Key Takeaways

Leveraging insights from the Discovery Platform, which covers over 3.7+ million emerging companies globally, we can explore the rapidly evolving landscape of the healthcare sector:

  • Healthcare Trends: Notable trends in healthcare include Virtual Reality (VR) for immersive patient therapy and training, Blockchain for secure and transparent data management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) for enhanced diagnostics and treatment planning, Remote Healthcare for increased access to medical services, Robotics for advanced surgical and patient care techniques, and the Internet of Things (IoT) for improved patient monitoring and healthcare delivery.
  • Healthcare Industry Stats: The healthcare sector, encompassing 595K+ companies, has experienced a -0.03% annual growth rate. In the last five years, more than 59K companies have been added to the sector. Despite various challenges, the sector employs a substantial workforce of 53.7 million individuals, with an average employee number standing at 35. The average founding year for these companies is 2020 with the average funding per round at USD 20.8 million.
  • 10 New Healthcare Companies to Watch:
    1. Aciana – AI-driven Personalized Medicine
    2. Medifakt – Decentralized Electronic Heath Records
    3. IFOHRA – Healthcare Automation & Robotics
    4. SkillUP – Virtual Reality-based Medical Training
    5. HEAPS.ai – Healthcare Management Software
    6. SARA Robotics – Social Care Robots
    7. Blyott – Healthcare Asset Tracking
    8. Sigma Healthtech – Patient Communication & Engagement
    9. JEAY Healthcare – Telemedicine Platform
    10. Sarathi Healthcare – At-home Elderly Care

The healthcare sector, mirroring the dynamic and transformative nature of today’s technology-driven world, is undergoing rapid evolution. With over 55 000 companies and a substantial workforce, the industry is experiencing a significant impact from several key technological trends. These trends are not only influencing healthcare providers but also revolutionizing patient care and treatment outcomes.

Here are the key trends currently reshaping the healthcare industry:

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by offering immersive therapy and training experiences. It allows patients to engage in virtual environments for therapeutic purposes and provides medical professionals with realistic training scenarios, enhancing skills without real-world risks.


Blockchain technology is emerging as a crucial tool for ensuring secure and transparent healthcare data management. By providing a decentralized and tamper-proof ledger system, it enhances the security of sensitive medical records and streamlines the exchange of health information, fostering trust and efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is significantly impacting healthcare by enhancing diagnostics and treatment planning. It enables the analysis of complex medical data at unprecedented speeds, leading to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment strategies, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Remote Healthcare

The rise of remote healthcare is expanding access to medical services, especially in underserved or remote areas. This trend allows patients to receive consultations and healthcare services from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for physical visits and making healthcare more accessible and efficient.


Robotics is transforming patient care and surgical procedures. From robotic-assisted surgeries that enhance precision to robots aiding in patient care and rehabilitation, this trend is improving the quality of medical services and patient experiences.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is revolutionizing healthcare delivery through improved patient monitoring systems. Connected devices and sensors provide continuous health data, enabling proactive care and timely interventions, thus enhancing the overall effectiveness of healthcare services.

As these trends continue to develop, they are setting new standards and opening up novel possibilities in the healthcare sector, profoundly impacting how medical services are delivered and experienced by both healthcare professionals and patients.

Discover 10 New Healthcare Companies [Selection]

In recent years, there has been a significant influx of new companies entering the healthcare space, showcasing a burst of innovation and a thriving, evolving sector poised to address contemporary healthcare challenges.

Here, we focus on 10 emerging healthcare companies that are at the forefront of medical advancement. These organizations are not merely following trends; they’re setting them by revolutionizing patient care, medical technology, and health services. Their contributions are shaping a new era in healthcare, marked by innovation and improved patient outcomes.

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. Signal Strength gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.

1. Aciana

Founding Year: 2018
Employee Range: 11-50
Location: USA
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: Aciana’s clinical analytics product leverages AI to provide real-time insights from data, supporting personalized medicine. Its administrative analytics tool offers dashboards for cost and budget analysis, and a blockchain platform for supply chain management, enhancing pharmaceutical and medical device tracking.

2. Medifakt

Founding Year: 2021
Employee Range: 11-50
Location: Estonia
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: MEDIFAKT provides electronic health records (EHR) for comprehensive medical history and clinical data management, focusing on patient-centric care. It aids healthcare supply chain management and clinical data management for clinical trials. The startup also offers medical chatbots that connect patients, insurers, and providers to streamline healthcare communication.


Founding Year: 2021
Employee Range: 2-10
Location: Germany
Signal Strength: Strong
What they do: IFOHRA offers consulting and technology services to hospitals and medical companies in Germany. It conducts nationwide surveys, uses Capability Maturity Model Integration for workflow improvement, and develops future healthcare solutions. The company assists medical technology startups with market strategies, change management, and logistics, aiming to innovate healthcare products and technologies.

4. SkillUP

Founding Year: 2021
Employee Range: 2-10
Location: Norway
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: SKiLLUP provides a virtual reality medical training center for up to 10 trainees. It offers interactive 3D simulations with real-time management, hands-on interaction with equipment, and a debriefing area. This VR center enhances medical education through immersive learning experiences.

5. HEAPS.ai

Founding Year: 2020
Employee Range: 11-50
Location: India
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: HEAPS.ai is a health tech SaaS platform that leverages data analytics, AI, and machine learning to enhance healthcare delivery and payment. Its solutions for health compliance & risk management and clinical outcomes management cater to hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmacies. They improve healthcare compliance and behavioral health.

6. SARA Robotics

Founding Year: 2019
Employee Range: 2-10
Location: Netherlands
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: SARA Robotics is a social care robot for elderly care facilities, offering relaxation, cognitive training, and daily schedule information. It is used by over 130 residents for entertainment and social engagement, with modules developed in collaboration with care professionals to meet specific needs.

7. Blyott

Founding Year: 2019
Employee Range: 11-50
Location: Belgium
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: Blyott’s real-time locating system (RTLS) tracks assets and provides insights into workflows, asset usage, and inventory levels. Its technology optimizes processes and predicts equipment maintenance, offering operational intelligence for asset management and maintenance planning.

8. Sigma Healthtech

Founding Year: 2020
Employee Range: 11-50
Location: Canada
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: SigmaMail is the startup’s secure messaging platform for healthcare providers in Canada, facilitating virtual visits and secure patient communication. It integrates with electronic medical records and offers end-to-end encryption and a shared inbox for efficient messaging, digitizing healthcare communication and enhancing patient care.

9. JEAY Healthcare

Founding Year: 2022
Employee Range: 2-10
Location: Nigeria
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: JEAY Healthcare offers online healthcare consultations and medication delivery. Patients can access same-day appointments for various health issues, receiving personalized guidance and treatment plans from certified doctors. JEAY focuses on primary care, mental health, sexual health, and reproductive health, aiming to provide convenient and affordable healthcare services.

10. Sarathi Healthcare

Founding Year: 2020
Employee Range: 1-10
Location: India
Signal Strength: Very strong
What they do: Sarathi Healthcare provides at-home care services for seniors in India, offering concierge assistance, medical care, and wellness programs. With over 300 caregivers and 50 medical professionals, the company ensures holistic well-being for the elderly through customizable plans and community engagement activities.

As the healthcare industry evolves, new healthcare companies are not just participating but actively reshaping the sector. These companies are vital in revolutionizing how we approach health and wellness, introducing innovative solutions that make healthcare more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered.

Discovering Breakthroughs in Healthcare – Quick Tip for Finding Up-and-Coming Healthcare Companies

Leveraging a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for scouting new healthcare companies offers distinct advantages over conventional scouting techniques:

  • Efficiency: The Discovery Platform gives you automated scouting tools that expedite the research process, offering a more efficient alternative to traditional desk research.
  • Real-time Data: Stay ahead with near real-time updates on emerging healthcare trends and 68K+ companies, essential for making prompt and well-informed decisions.
  • Customization: Tailor your scouting to specific sectors within healthcare, whether its digital health, medical devices, or pharmaceutical innovations, using the platform’s diverse filtering options.
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Next Steps

After exploring the evolving landscape of healthcare, including emerging trends and key players, you might be interested in a deeper dive. Download our comprehensive healthcare report or book a demo of the Discovery Platform for a customized scouting journey.


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