Discover 5 Top Responsible Consumption & Production Solutions

Curious about how technologies advance the United Nation’s SDGs? Explore our analysis of 567 global startups & scaleups working towards responsible production & consumption and learn how their solutions impact lives!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked startups working towards the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #12 – Responsible Consumption & Production.

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Top Responsible Consumption & Production Solutions out of 567

The insights of this data-driven analysis are derived from the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 2.093.000+ startups & scaleups globally. The platform gives you an exhaustive overview of emerging technologies & relevant startups within a specific field in just a few clicks.

The Global Startup Heat Map below reveals the distribution of the 567 exemplary startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Further, it highlights 5 startups that we hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. You get to explore the solutions of these 5 startups & scaleups in this report. For insights on the other 562 responsible consumption & production solutions, get in touch.


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Ecologi develops a Carbon Footprint Tracking Solution

Consumers are increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint and seek alternatives and best practices to reduce it. This is where carbon footprint tracking solutions come in. Such solutions keep track of all activities such as energy use, travel miles, and expenditures to quantify an individual’s carbon footprint. This enables consumers to make lifestyle changes that help them reduce their impact on the environment.

US-based startup Ecologi offers a subscription service to help consumers track their carbon footprints. The subscription comes in three plans, running from offsetting 3 short-haul flights to 4 long-haul return flights per year. According to the subscription plan, the startup offsets carbon credits with tree planting or other projects. This allows consumers to lead low-carbon lives while contributing to reforestation and carbon offsetting efforts around the world.

Circulor offers Supply Chain Traceability

Responding to ethical and environmental concerns, many companies are switching to ethically sourced and environmentally friendly products. However, it is hard for companies to ensure that these principles are followed in upstream supply chains, particularly when raw materials come from distant geographical areas. To address this, startups now offer blockchain-based solutions. The immutability and security of these features help stakeholders verify the provenance and other details along the supply chain.

British startup Circulor develops industrial supply chain traceability solutions. The startup uses data tools to identify anomalies and fraudulent activity along the supply chain, verifying provenance. It determines if a process meets the location, date, duration, and mass balance of inputs and outputs as specified. The startup’s traceability-as-a-service solution also offers supply chain mapping, responsible sourcing, and implementation.

Impact Berry sources Responsible Coffee

Most consumers of tea and coffee — two of the most popular beverages globally — live far from where the raw materials for these beverages originate. The supply chains for tea and coffee alone contribute to large carbon emissions. Moreover, climate challenge, deforestation, dwindling farmer profits, and unethical labor practices are also concerns for the industries. To address these challenges, startups are working on solutions that provide responsibly sourced beverages while supporting local communities and ecosystems.

Impact Berry is a Hong Kong-based startup providing ethically sourced coffee. The startup sustainably grows the coffee beans in fertile volcanic soil. It uses jungle permaculture to protect soil and ecosystems. By taking responsibility along the supply chain from source of production to point of sale, the startup furthers the UN’s SDG #12.

HYDRAO enables Water Conservation

Water is central to the success of other SDGs, such as No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Life Below Water, and Life on Land. However, despite large, underutilized water resources, many cities globally are facing a water crisis. To tackle this, there is a need for solutions that enable judicious water use. Smart building solutions, for example, leverage water management technologies to drive responsible water consumption.

HYDRAO is a French startup developing smart solutions for water conservation. The Hydrao Meter uses the Internet of Things (IoT) to gather information on the volume, flow rate, and temperature of water in buildings. The self-powered motor features a micro-turbine, enabling a long lifespan without a battery. It detects abnormal consumption such as leaks and poorly closed taps as well as analyzes water use in smart buildings.

Loopworm produces Sustainable Animal Feed

Modern agriculture is unsustainable due to the requirement of large amounts of land, water, and agrochemicals to grow crops profitably. Additionally, the production of animal feed diverts valuable land from food production. AgriTech startups are therefore developing sustainable and scalable sources of animal feeds, such as insects. In addition to providing affordable and high-protein feed, such solutions also lower emissions in the agriculture sector.

Indian startup Loopworm produces sustainable animal feed for livestock. The startup farms black soldier flies for their efficiency in converting waste to food. Using a zero-waste process, the flies convert food waste into Protiworm, a protein-rich fish feed. The dried and grounded larvae provide higher digestibility and pelletability. This process also produces purified insect oil and chitin, as well as a natural fertilizer as byproducts.

Discover more Startups

Startups such as the examples highlighted in this report focus on reducing poverty and hunger as well as clean water & sanitation. While all of these technologies play a major role in advancing the UN’s SDGs, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. To explore more technologies, simply get in touch to let us look into your areas of interest. For a more general overview, you can download our free Industry Innovation Reports to save your time and improve strategic decision-making.

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