10 New Pain Management Solutions Tackling Chronic Pain

Gain data-driven insights on pain management, an industry consisting of 10K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 2K+ new pain management solutions, advancing the industry with rehabilitation apps, pain tracking platforms, therapy personalization, and more.

Advancements in pain management offer innovative solutions for chronic pain sufferers. These new pain management solutions include mobile applications, virtual reality (VR), and nerve stimulation devices that enhance pain assessment and treatment. Mobile health apps provide real-time monitoring and personalized care plans to improve patient outcomes while VR immerses patients in therapeutic environments to reduce pain perception. Nerve stimulation devices deliver targeted relief by modulating pain signals, offering non-invasive alternatives to medication. AI and machine learning further optimize treatment plans to increase precision and effectiveness. These technologies benefit patients by providing accessible, effective, and personalized pain management solutions for improving their quality of life.

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Key Takeaways

Drawing insights from the Big Data & AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that provides data on over 4.7+ million emerging companies globally, we explore the evolving landscape of the pain management industry. This sector is marked by key trends and a substantial workforce, shaping its future. The last update of this report was 5 days ago. If you spot incomplete or incorrect info, please let us know. Here are some key insights at a glance:

  • Latest Pain Management Trends: The prominent trends in the pain management industry are digital pain management, pain rehabilitation, spinal stimulation, pain reduction therapy, and pain monitoring.
  • Pain Management Industry Statistics: The global pain management industry encompasses 10K+ organizations and has an 800K+ workforce. It is experiencing a dip of 0.46% in annual growth rate but has seen the emergence of 2K+ new pain management companies in the past five years. On average, these companies employ about 17 people.
  • 10 New Pain Management Solutions to Watch:
      1. Orby – Neuromodulation Platform
      2. Ankerias – Personalized Spinal Cord Stimulation
      3. Paperplane Therapeutics – Virtual Pain Simulation
      4. Thera-VR – Pain Monitoring
      5. Medibooth VR – Biofeedback Platform
      6. PainNavigator – Real-time Pain Tracking
      7. OPOS – AI-based Pain Monitoring
      8. Adamo Robot – Robotic Physiotherapy
      9. Posture AI – Automated Posture Correction
      10. Avari XR – VR-based Pain Management

Discover 10 out of 2K+ Emerging Pain Management Solutions

In this section, we highlight 10 emerging pain management solutions that are leading to innovative healing solutions. These companies are responding to patient concerns and evolving market demands. By pioneering advanced manufacturing, sustainable materials, smart sensors, and more, these companies are setting new standards in the pain management industry.

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. It gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.

1. Orby

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Brazil
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: Orby develops Ortech Web System, a web-based neuromodulation platform for the functional rehabilitation of patients. It integrates software with a neuromodulator and a control system to enhance motor skills and alleviate pain. The technology focuses on non-invasive methods to ensure patient comfort and safety during treatments and procedures. Clinics and hospitals utilize this solution to improve patient outcomes for patients suffering from motor impairments by enhancing movement and pain management.

2. Ankerias

  • Founding Year: 2023
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Finland
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: Ankerias aids chronic pain management through a digital platform. It combines pain diaries, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to offer personalized spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapies. This approach decreases healthcare costs for patients and allows healthcare professionals to enhance the treatment outcomes of chronic pain patients. It also stabilizes drug use to ensure more sustainable and effective pain management strategies.

3. Paperplane Therapeutics

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Canada
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Paperplane Therapeutics develops virtual reality therapies to manage pain and anxiety during medical procedures. The company’s DREAM platform includes immersive VR games that engage patients in interactive environments. They reduce the perception and memory of pain by distracting patients effectively. Among other products, DREAM DENTAL targets dental procedures, enhances patient comfort, and reduces anxiety without pharmaceuticals. The technology serves both children and adults and provides a non-invasive option for pain management.

4. Thera-VR

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: UK
  • Signal Strength: Weak
  • What they do: Thera-VR offers non-pharmacological interventions for stress and pain management. The company’s platform features a wearable headset equipped with sensors to monitor electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate variability, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen levels. It processes biosignals using AI to determine the stress index and enhance the effectiveness of immersive VR content. Additionally, Thera-VR’s solution includes biometric sensors and a feedback loop that enables real-time adaptation to each patient’s acute biological state, personalizing therapies without prior knowledge of patients.

5. Medibooth VR

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Turkey
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: Medibooth VR enhances workplace wellness through VR storytelling and neuroscience. The company’s platform provides an immersive biofeedback meditation experience to reduce stress and improve focus. Virtual reality isolates users from physical distractions to sharpen their concentration and dismantle preconceived notions about meditation. This leads to an improvement in performance by fostering growth in neurons associated with learning and memory. Biofeedback-reinforced meditation also improves resilience and enhances teamwork and communication skills.

6. PainNavigator

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: PainNavigator develops a pain management platform that utilizes analytics and machine learning to tailor pain management strategies. It integrates real-time data pain tracking to monitor patient progress and adjust treatments accordingly. The platform also includes personalized pain relief plans that leverage both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Healthcare professionals gain insights into patient adherence and treatment efficacy using the platform. Additionally, patients receive customized care that aligns with their specific pain profiles to improve outcomes.


  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: OPOS offers an AI-based chronic pain management platform. It analyzes various variables and tracks changes over time to pinpoint treatment challenges and opportunities that remain undetectable through conventional methods. By offering timely care for chronic pain, OPOS’ platform prevents patient crises and flare-ups. Further, it enables physicians to concentrate on enhancing patient outcomes while minimizing risks. Patients suffering from chronic pain receive the most effective and timely care and physicians are able to improve treatment outcomes.

8. Adamo Robot

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Spain
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Adamo Robot develops a collaborative robot that delivers physiotherapy for musculoskeletal disorders. It applies a jet of thermoregulated compressed air to mimic manual therapy techniques without direct contact with the patient. The robot also incorporates a thermographic camera to assist in diagnosing and monitoring treatment effectiveness. Additionally, it features software for managing patient medical records and customizing treatment parameters. This enables healthcare professionals to automate patient treatments and reduce waiting times. Patients experience pain relief and improved well-being through non-invasive, consistent treatment sessions.

9. Posture AI

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: South Korea
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Posture AI provides a combined hardware and software solution for individuals suffering from back, neck, and shoulder pain. The company’s comprehensive suite includes a PostureSense chest strap, an ergonomic shirt, and a sensor, along with its companion app. This way, the solution alerts patients to correct their stance in real time. The ergonomic shirt supports the body to maintain proper alignment throughout the day. Individuals with posture-related discomfort benefit from this solution.

10. Avari XR

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 0-1
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Avari XR develops VR simulations for pediatric pain management. The platform offers immersive outdoor environments and activities for children. It creates realistic and engaging experiences to distract and comfort young patients. The simulations include diverse environments such as forests, beaches, and mountains to provide a sense of adventure and relaxation. Pediatric patients benefit from reduced anxiety and pain perception during medical procedures. The solution also improves the overall hospital experience for children and makes treatments less stressful.

Quick Tip to Find New Pain Management Solutions

Utilizing a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for identifying new pain management solutions provides significant benefits compared to traditional scouting methods:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: The Discovery Platform offers advanced tools that streamline the scouting process. It replaces your hours of conventional desk research, saving time and resources in identifying pain management innovations.
  • Access to Real-time Insights: Gain a competitive edge with up-to-date information on the latest trends in the pain management industry. The platform keeps you informed with near real-time updates on emerging pain management solutions and news, enabling you to make swift and informed decisions.
  • Tailored Exploration: Customize your search to focus on specific niches within the pain management sector, such as VR therapy, neuromodulation, or real-time pain tracking. The platform’s diverse filtering options allow you to target your scouting efforts precisely, ensuring that you find the most relevant and groundbreaking companies in the field.

Ready to Explore All New Pain Management Solutions?

We’ve explored the dynamic landscape of the pain management industry, examining the latest trends and spotlighting exceptional companies driving innovation. To dive deeper, download our free Healthcare Report or schedule a demo of the Discovery Platform for a customized exploration of these groundbreaking developments. Partner with us to offer cutting-edge insights into startups and tech. We welcome your input.


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