5 Top Robotic Surgery Startups Impacting The Healthcare Industry

We analyzed 211 surgical robot startups. Simulated Surgical Systems, Auris Health, Microsure, ZAP Surgical Systems & THINK Surgical develop 5 top solutions. Learn more in our Global Startup Heat Map!

Our Innovation Analysts recently looked into emerging technologies and up-and-coming startups working on solutions for the healthcare sector. As there is a large number of startups working on a wide variety of solutions, we want to share our insights with you. This time, we are taking a look at 5 promising robotic surgery startups.

Heat Map: 5 Top Robotic Surgery Startups

For our 5 top picks, we used a data-driven startup scouting approach to identify the most relevant solutions globally. The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights 5 interesting examples out of 211 relevant solutions. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.


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ZAP Surgical Systems – Radiosurgery

Radiosurgery is a form of radiation therapy using radiation for the destruction of precisely selected areas of tissue using ionizing radiation rather than excision with a scalpel, usually used for cancer treatment. The main ideas for the utilization of robotics in radiosurgery are accuracy in imaging and patient positioning, considering natural internal organ movements which can have a profound effect on the precision of radiation delivery, and safety requirements (radiation protection parameters).

ZAP Surgical Systems, a startup from the USA, builds a radio-surgical robot for the non-invasive ablation of brain and neck tumors. Their solution, ZAP-X, incorporates a self-shielded design that eliminates the need for traditional radiation vaults and thus enables simple point-of-care delivery in previously inappropriate places.

Simulated Surgical Systems – Robotic Surgery Simulators

Combined with other technologies such as VR, robotics support surgeons in preparing for future procedures. Surgeons can practice in the virtual world as much as needed, especially for complicated procedures thereby gaining relevant experience while eliminating the risk to hurt actual patients. Virtual reality may also be combined with other technologies to bring more realism to these practice sessions.

The US-based company Simulated Surgical Systems works on the development of simulation for robot-assisted surgery. The company provides safe, practical, and efficient robot-assisted surgery training to novice surgeons. This approach reduces surgical error and provides robot-assisted surgical education to train all kinds of eventualities.

Microsure – Microsurgery

The magnification that is usually required for microsurgery is about five to forty times. This allows for the visualization of small structures, such as arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatics. Due to its complexity and the special nature of this type of surgery, the equipment used for microsurgery allows precision in movement despite the high magnification. Robotics offer to scale motion and eliminate tremors thereby making traditional procedures safer while also opening the door for new applications.

The Dutch startup Microsure develops MUSA – a robot for “superhuman precision in microsurgery”. The system provides very high precision, control and stability for microsurgeons, enabling new interventions that are currently impossible to perform by hand. For example, MUSA can connect vessels as small as 0.3mm while keeping the workflow structure of the OR unchanged.

THINK Surgical – Pre-Surgical 3D Modeling

3D modeling allows surgeons to plan each stage of surgery before it takes place. Operations on the hips and knees or joint replacements require surgeons to precisely place implants in order for patients to regain mobility faster. Robotic systems with a 3D planning option allow manipulating the implant in a virtual environment to achieve optimal fit and alignment with the patient’s anatomy.

THINK Surgical, based in California, USA, creates robotic surgical systems for orthopedic surgery. The system includes two components: a 3D pre-operative planning workstation for surgery planning and a computer-assisted tool for precise cavity and surface preparation for hip and knee replacement surgeries.

Auris Health – Minimal Invasive Diagnostics & Treatment

Most robotic surgery assistants enable minimally invasive access to the human body. A special class of endoscopic robotic devices for diagnostic and treatment serves multiple disease directions without cutting the skin. Instead, they use the body’s natural openings to get inside perform surgery.

The US-American company Auris Health builds Monarch – a surgical robotics platform that incorporates flexible robotics, micro-instrumentation, data science, and other technologies for therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. The platform integrates endoscopes, instruments, navigation, and robotics into a single platform, allowing physicians to better conduct endoscopic interventions while always keeping their target in sight.

What About The Other 206 Solutions?

While we believe data is key to creating insights it can be easy to be overwhelmed by it. Our ambition is to create a comprehensive overview and provide actionable innovation intelligence for your Proof of Concept (PoC), partnership, or investment targets. The 5 robotic surgery startups showcased above are promising examples out of 211 we analyzed for this article. To identify the most relevant solutions based on your specific criteria and collaboration strategy, get in touch.