Trend Analysis

Free Demo of Best Trend Intelligence Platform | StartUs Insights
Free Demo of StartUs Insights Trend Intelligence
Trend Intelligence helps you discover and monitor emerging technologies, business models, and trends that impact your industry. So, why wait? Explore the power of our trend intelligence platform with a free demo to identify innovations early.
The Benefits of Data-driven Trend Monitoring for Innovation Managers | StartUs Insights
Trend Monitoring | Innovation Management

Missing out on emerging technology & innovation trends is the last thing you would want as an innovation manager. Discover how trend monitoring will help you achieve your innovation goals!

Idea Prioritization: 5 Tips for Innovation Managers | StartUs Insights
Idea Prioritization | Innovation Management

Idea generation lays the foundation for your innovation efforts. The very next step is to sort or prioritize these valuable ideas. There are many reasons why you should do it and even more approaches to implement it efficiently. Find out which one works for you the best!

Idea Generation 101: Find Innovations Fast | StartUs Insights
Idea Generation | Innovation Management

Idea generation is an integral part of any organization’s innovation efforts. You should constantly look for ways to improve the process. Here’s everything you need to know about ideation — from ideation techniques to tips to generate better ideas, to ideation KPIs!

Role of Feasibility Assessment in Technology Scouting | StartUs Insights
Technology Feasibility Assessment

Curious about which technologies to innovate in? Technology feasibility assessment identifies the right technologies for your business needs.

Manage Innovation through Hype Cycles | StartUs Insights
Innovation Hype Cycles

Curious about managing innovation through hype cycles? Learn how technology feasibility assessment allows you to better evaluate technology trends and separate the hype from reality.

Speed Up Product Development with Innovation Intelligence | StartUs Insights
Product Development | Innovation Intelligence

Looking to speed up your product development cycles? Find out how innovation intelligence benefits product development by scanning the environment and significantly reducing time-to-market.

Trend Analysis for Innovation

As an innovation manager, you must keep a tab on current technology trends at all times. This way, you build an effective corporate innovation strategy to advance your company's growth and success. To further emphasize its importance, let's explore how trend analysis drives innovation!

Why the Technology Landscape is Your Window into the Future StartUs Insights
Data-Driven Technology Landscaping

The technology landscape is crucial for businesses navigating post-pandemic challenges. This article delves into how technology landscape assessment, distinct from technology scouting, is key for long-term strategic planning. It highlights the role of emerging technologies in reshaping industries and the benefits of technology landscaping in gaining a competitive edge.